Sunday, July 25, 2004

It's the end of the world as we know it.

Volcanoes erupt, megatonnage atom bombs come crashing down, sublimating all who are caught in the blast. Giant tidal waves rip through inland waters tearing at the very fabric of society as we know it. Global killer meteorites rain down on us at a frantic pace. Super viruses spread through the third world and beyond, before any vaccinations are possible, let alone effective. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.

Yes, my time here in Budapest is nearing it's end. Less than a week to go, and I can honestly say I'm more than a little gutted. It's not "The Course", that can, in the immortal words of Elizabeth Darko "Go suck a fuck". But I've met some really nice people (Some really, really nice people - You know who you are!) And it's a shame that I haven't been able to enjoy my stay as much as I should have due to such craziness as grammar homework and 12 hour days.

I dunno, there are things I have to do... Meh... Fuck, listen to me... I'm basically taking the longest fucking holiday ever and complaining about it! :)

The summer's reaching a peak here and I need to follow the sun.


Besides I have many toilets and many stools to examine around the globe... Keep on truckin'.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Karaoke and other drugs...

Went to a Karaoke bar last night with Leila, laszlo and some kids and teachers from our classes. It was very funny. I sang Take on me and Leila and I did a duet of Ice ice baby. We rocked. Hard. It was my first time at karaoke. It showed.

It's fucking hot here in Budapest. I've been sleeping in my boxers above the sheets and I still wake up in the morning with my pillow drenched in sweat. I hope it's just the weather. I read an article before I left England that said people who sweat a lot in their sleep are more likely to die of heart attacks.



Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Lessons lessons lessons

Today I teach a new class. I'm a little nervous still, even though I've been doing this for two weeks, so I'm gonna stick to a topic I know well. I'm gonna talk about, and hopefully get the class talking about music, I have all sorts of lame games for them to play like wordsearches and Taboo and stuff and I'm gonna get them to listen to some Adem and hopefully get them to talk about it afterwards. I was thinking about playing them some Radiohead or some anticon Stuff but I figured Adem is a bit lighter and you can easily understand the words he's singing, so maybe (fingers crossed) it will all go okay?

Having a few life lessons here and there as well, f'rinstance I have met some very nice, very intelligent Americans. I realis now I may be bordering on alcoholic. And I'm still terrible when it comes to "the ladies". I dunno, maybe I've watched Lost in translation too many times, but I seem to be falling into platonic relationships everywhere I look. Eh... It's not so bad I guess, at least I'm making some friends. :)

It might be a cliche, but the Skorpions - Wind of change is still really popular everywhere in Eastern Europe. Have yet to find out about "life is life".

Friday, July 16, 2004

Rubik's cubes and ballpoint pens.

So, I've been here in Budapest for about 2 weeks and I've seen the inside of a classroom, the inside of a metro and the inside of my eyelids... Not quite the cultural experience I was thinking of. It's weird, when something takes up so much of your life it becomes so important, hence me not posting here for 2 weeks, me not emailing anybody and rather unfortunatley me not getting as drunk as I need to.

It's good though, I needed some sort of focus, there're so many fucked up things happening around me, maybe it's better to immerse myself in something as banal as this.

On the upside it's Friday and I don't have to teach again til Tuesday so, at least for tonight I can drown my sorrows in brown booze.

They poured sand onto the banks of the Danube. They're creating a beach for the weekend. If it's nice I'll definitley go down there.


The sausage wouldn't be a sausage if they made it from better meat.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Music turns the bourgeoisie into rebels.

Here, as my last post before leaving Italy is a very boring list of the albums I have decided to take with me. (In no special order)

Passage - Forcefield kids
Why? - Oaklandazasylum
Hymie's basement
Cloudead - ten
Themselves - The no music
Sole - Bottle of humans
- Selling live water
Deep puddle dynamics - A taste of rain. Why Kneel?
Anticon - Music for the advanement of hip hop
Avalanches - Gimix
- live on JJJ/Live in Ibiza
Unkle - 1 World mix
Z-trip - Solid steel
Atmosphere - Lucy Ford
- God loves ugly
- Seven's travels
Aesop Rock - Labor days
Dinosaur Jr - Martin & me
- Fossils
- Green mind
- Where you been
- Without a sound
Future kings of spain
Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children
- Geogaddi
- A Beautiful place
- Twoism
Minotaur Shock - Chiff Chaffs and Willow Warblers
Christ - Pylonesque
Mum - Yesterday was dramatic today was ok
- Finally we are no-one
Savath & Savalas - Rolls & waves
- Folks songs for trees trains and honey
Souls of mischief - 93 til infinity
Del Tha funky homosapien - No need for alarm
Hieroglyphics - 3rd eye vision
Extra prolific - like it should be
Explosions in the sky - The earth is not a cold dead place
- Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
Mogwai - Young team
Do make say think
DJ TUCO - Mix 6
- Jonny Bozkov live from the snatch palace
Adem - Homesongs
Nick Drake - Way to blue
James Yorkston - Moving up country
Iron & wine - The creek drank the cradle
Beck - Sea change
Nightmares on Wax - Mind elevation
- Carbot soul
Tommy Guerrero - Soulfood taqueira
Shuggie otis - Inspiration information
Beta Band - 3 EPs
- Album
- Hot shots II
The bees - Sunshine hit me
Simian - Chemistry is what we are
Manitoba - Up in flames
Fleapit - Music from the ditch
Cappo - Spaz the world
Jehst - Falling down
Jehst - Return of the drifter
Ty - Awkward
Braintax - Biro funk
Radiohead - Kid A
- OK Computer
- The bends
- Hail to the thief

And a couple of minidiscs full of various summery hip hop tunes.

Yes. I am sad, but I wanted a list somewhere, so that I can look back and see exactly HOW sad.

Never ever, bloody anything ever.

So, had half my vaccinations so hopefully when I go to Tokyo they won't put me in quarentine. Tomorrow at 9.30 AM I leave the house for my nearly 24 hour journey to Budapest, doctor said to 'ignore' any flu-ish feelings and temperatures I might start running. I have a feeling it's gonna be like the end of midnight cowboy on the bus, as long as I don't end up dead in a pool of my own piss I reckon I'll be okay.

Not sure if I'm bringing enough music with me, I thought I had plenty but just heard some stuff by a band called 'Crack village' from Manchester who are brilliant, they have some mp3s on their website which are well worth a listen.

Bought keyring versions of connect 4 and yahtzee, it's brilliant I feel like I'm a giant when I play 'em.


Italian MTV has been playing Jentina's Bad ass strippa pretty much back to back, I wouldn't mind so much except they've taken chihuaha off the playlist for good...

Thursday, July 01, 2004

The insects rule.

Got home from the library this morning to find a scorpion on my pillow and a hornet buzzing round the door.

Gonna have to shake my shoes out from now on.

This website tickled me... It's a kinda indie whimsy comic strip.

By the way, the hair on my arms has gone white, wether this is because of the sun or just because I'm getting old I don't know.

The roaches have no king...

But the flies, moths, wasps, bees and ants seem to and I am he. It's hot here but mostly green so the insects are in full force, as are the lizards and snakes too. It's like I'm living in Steve Irwin's back yard, constantly surrounded by buzzing, crawling and slithering creatures. Every day I awake to another insect bite, I'm not sure what from because I have netting up against all the windows in my shack. I think it may be from the ants. I've been under seige from them for a while, they stream all around the outside walls searching for a way to get in... They must have found one because every now and then one falls on my face while I'm sleeping.

I don't really mind, they're not doing any harm and I think it's probably good that I learn to control my sqeamishness before I get out to Asia, where I'm sure the insects are bigger and nastier. That said, me and pops were building a roof for my mum's stables yesterday and we found a wasps nest under the eaves, I was fine til I saw the baby larvae maggot wasps, all wriggly and off white...

Tomorrow I go for my shots. Polio, Tetanus, Hep A, Hep B and Diptheria, nurse says I may feel a little bad for a couple of days, which is great cos Saturday Morning I embark on a 15 hour bus ride to Budapest! Hooray for my brilliant sense of timing.

Enough drivel...

Some trainers look better scuffed, some new, it is not up to us to decide.