Thursday, July 01, 2004

The roaches have no king...

But the flies, moths, wasps, bees and ants seem to and I am he. It's hot here but mostly green so the insects are in full force, as are the lizards and snakes too. It's like I'm living in Steve Irwin's back yard, constantly surrounded by buzzing, crawling and slithering creatures. Every day I awake to another insect bite, I'm not sure what from because I have netting up against all the windows in my shack. I think it may be from the ants. I've been under seige from them for a while, they stream all around the outside walls searching for a way to get in... They must have found one because every now and then one falls on my face while I'm sleeping.

I don't really mind, they're not doing any harm and I think it's probably good that I learn to control my sqeamishness before I get out to Asia, where I'm sure the insects are bigger and nastier. That said, me and pops were building a roof for my mum's stables yesterday and we found a wasps nest under the eaves, I was fine til I saw the baby larvae maggot wasps, all wriggly and off white...

Tomorrow I go for my shots. Polio, Tetanus, Hep A, Hep B and Diptheria, nurse says I may feel a little bad for a couple of days, which is great cos Saturday Morning I embark on a 15 hour bus ride to Budapest! Hooray for my brilliant sense of timing.

Enough drivel...

Some trainers look better scuffed, some new, it is not up to us to decide.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:07 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

That's beautiful man... Whoever you may be... Thank you... ;)

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is I, Sir Charles Farquar.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Sir Charles... My apologies... I didn't know... Please forgive my rudeness. I hope we can er come to some arrangement over this umm 'indescretion'?

1:45 PM  

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