Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The incredible and unavoidable decline of Julius Meinl

Mourn the death of the free and open mind my brothers and sisters. I have sombre tidings amid these celebrations and revelries. Julius Meinl has fallen. How, when and why I cannot yet say, but steel yourselves brethren, for he has fallen.

Until further tidings, take solace in your comfortable lives and the soft embrace of your women for there will be dark times soon enough.

Friday, April 22, 2005

First of all...

Many apologies for not posting lots of random crapola up in this beeyotch for a while, but I'm not near a computer very often at the moment, but this will all change very soon, and I can post up links and stuff that no-one will be interested in ona regular basis once again.

So I'm in Prague and I have news, that I've decided to give it a go here before deciding to bugger off to the other side of the world. It's close to my friends and family so that just makes it a little bit easier here I guess. Anyways, I've got a sweet room in a flat about 15 minute metro ride from the centre, it's 4500 Korunas a month which is about a hundred quid, with all the bills and ADSL internet thrown in! I couldn't pass up a bargain like that so I think I'll be moving out here to live in the middle of May or so. It's very exciting, particularly with this new telephone teaching job, and I've just applied to a fairly prestigious language school as well, so things are looking cautiously optimistic at the moment.

Apart from that I'm heading into darkest Moldovia (Rabbits with baby's heads etc) to watch the Regime play a gig this weekend, and after that preparing myself mentally and physically for a long weekend in London!

Ahh, the lifestyles of the rich and famous eh?


Sunday, April 17, 2005

I got a job! Hooray!

So I got this job teaching English on the internet, it's $10 per half hour lesson which isn't bad for sitting on my arse at home in my grundies. It's one of those 'no job security, we'll put you on our books and see who calls' type things, but it's something, they reckon I'll be teaching in early June! It's not a full time job type thing, but a good backup I reckon.

I'm also leaving for a 10 day stay in Prague today in which hopefully I'll sort out some more work and start manouvering towards renting an apartment out there! It's all very exciting!

Of course if it doesn't pan out and I don't find anything extra it looks like Tokyo is still an option, bit scary though...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Help me please!

Have a go at this INSANELY difficult online game, it's all about riddles and such and is very cool, but very difficult, I'm stuck on Level 6 right now, so if anybody gets that far, maybe we can share some knowledge, or hints or something?? ;)

It's not dirty or anything, so click with no fear!

Not pr0n

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The internet is a strange and sometimes scary place...

Hmmm... I'm not sure if I should even post this, it's probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen EVER and it's more than a trifle disturbing. I dunno, I guess I'll just stick it up here and let people decide for themselves. I hope you enjoy... Actually, I kinda hope you don't. Fuck it, it's funny AND scary, check it out:

It's probably not worksafe

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

some quick facts about silica gel; DO NOT EAT

Always wanted to know about silica gel; DO NOT EAT?

Silica gel

Listening is fun 2

Following on from the overheard in New York post, Ed sent me this "overheard on the underground" Page... Enjoy!

Gossip on the tube

Random internet coolness...

Yet another anonymous peice of genius...

wait for the punchline, it's a killer!


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Hooray for me!

In great new strides in the fields of technology I was messing around on Acid and found the button that makes everything go SHAAAAWOOOOOOOM and WHOOOOEEEEEEEEEEH! I was so excited by my discovery that I made an edit of These words by Natasha Bedingfield and stuck it in the middle of a mix that was supposed to be moody and intense. Still, it may not fit and it may sound terrible, but I have left it in and in the next few days or so if I get to finish it I'll chuck up a link to yousendit and you can all witness the madness I have sunk to.

My mum made me a new belt today with proper leather and stitching and everything, it's really nice, to celebrate we had royale with cheese's from maccadonaldsa.

fuckin' hell I live a varied and fullfilling life!

In other news I'm hoping to get to Prague by the weekend to sort out work and stuff, I've been nearly a month sitting on my arse, it's getting sore.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I know I'm fickle, but...

This is The very best website I have ever seen EVER!


You load can load up different riddims with the links at the bottom!

It's a time killer...

Friday, April 08, 2005

Anyone can listen to my mix!

At any time... Cody has done an amazing thing and posted it on his mate's pretty flipping amazing website (I actually am jealous, it's a wicked site). You can listen to a stream, or join up for free (it's probably worth it) and download it to listen whenever you want! Isn't that an amazing thing? So, here's the link:


Don't listen too hard to a few of the blends, they're a bit rough, and check out Phrough's site, it's good. I like it.

Umm, apart from that I'm currently learning boring stuff on how to burn dvds so I can watch them in a dvd player. There's a bit too much to know I think...

Good luck my friends, and godspeed.

Another funny as hell site

I dunno who made this, but the Unemployed master posted it up on the ninjatune forum, and I'm stealing it to put it here:

Needs sound and a big screen for full effect!


Seizure robots

Two fantastic links...

Mat Fox, the original intelligent Ape sent me these two links. The first is a brilliant magazine/shop:

Giant Robot

And the second is possibly what I have been looking for my whole life (and no, not a password generator for bookworm bitches) you can blow any picture up huge and print it out and have cool posters. It's brilliant:

The rasterbator It's not porn, I promise.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Can you ever go back?

Someone reminded me today of a song I used to love when I was about sixteen. It was such a great song for me at the time that I decided to borrow it off soulseek to see if it still held the same magic.

It did.

I played it five times in a row and it's just as amazing now as it ever was. It made me think of a time when music was new and shiny and exciting for me. I didn't expect to hear great songs whenever I listened to an album, but it seemed to happen regularly. Nowdays It's so easy to grab music from all over the world pretty much instantly, but some of the excitement has gone. Is it because it's so easy to get hold of music? Or is it just my age? I dunno, but for a little while at least I'm going back there to hang out for a while. :) If you get a chance listen to Jane says by Jane's addiction it's a fucking great song.

Wonce again long island!

Here is another one of those incredibly funny/scary websites. It's basically a compilation of things people have overheard on the streets of NYC. it's pretty compelling stuff:

Overheard in New York

We all like lists.

And here's about a million of them, they are wicked and cool. Thanks to MZA for sending me this link, I hope you enjoy it!

McSweeny's lists

Monday, April 04, 2005

My mix is finished...

It's called "aldermastoned" and these are the songs on it:

Stars of the lid - The lonely are getting lonelier
Boom bip - The matter
Xela - smiles and bridges
Bibio - Bewley in white
Fridge - Long singing
The books - Motherless bastard
Console - Delay Dackerel (Walk like a worm)
Boards of Canada - Telephasic workshop
13&God - Soft atlas
Nitrada - No.4
Theboylucas - The sky is all air
FourTet - Glue of the world
cLOUDdead - Apt. A, part 1
Bibio - Looking through the facets of a plastic jewel
Minotaur shock - The range
John Brion - bookstore (from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind)
Animal collective - who could win a rabbit
A silver mt Zion - Blown out joy from heaven’s merciful soul.
Stars of the lid - Broken harbors pt 1
Savath & Savalas - Folk song for cello
Zwan - number of the beast

Samples and stuff:
Bill Hicks
Withnail & I
Princess bride
Empire records
Breakfast club
Being john malkovich
A circuit bent speak & spell off the internet.

I can do copies or email it or whatever.