Thursday, March 31, 2005

What I'm doing right now.

It's ten thirty in the morning, and I'm up and sitting in the sunshine listening to an album called 'Fi' by Bibio. It's a very lovely album, basically consisting of looped samples of things like acoustic guitars that change over time. It's very nice music to be watching a mountain and pine forests to. I'm currently making a mixtape of folky electronic stuff with a dodgy version of ACID bought in Thailand. If anyone wants a copy (bearing in mind I've only just started, it could be a few weeks til it's ready) send me an email and I'll do you a copy. It's got stuff like Boom bip and Fourtet and other wafty stuff like that on it.


Monday, March 28, 2005

Amazing website.

Check out this website dedicated to hosting ten second long movies. The link is to the right somewhere, but here's a taster of the sort of thing they show...

It's pretty fantastic:

really short sci fi movie

Sunday, March 27, 2005

We roll tonight, to the guitar bite.

I have always had upsmost respect for those about to rock, we should all pay mind to those soldiers of soul who take it upon themselves to rock for us. I would like to put forwrd the idea that ADCD's "For those about to Rock" is perhaps the most classic rock song ever recorded. I know what you're thinking... "There's now way it can be as good as november rain". But I know, and deep down you know too that:

A) It is


B) November rain isn't nearly as good as Nightrain anyway.

Nevermind that the version on the live album goes on for about three weeks, with Brian Johnson singing... No, make that preaching the lyrics from a real life pulpit (probably made from solid gold).

Nevermind that it uses ACTUAL Cannons which pose a very real threat to both the band and the audience and just shows how far both are willing to go for a cause that they believe in.

Nevermind that Angus Young thrashes his guitar like it was a public schoolboy caught with his hands in someone else's tuckbox.

There's just nothing else on earth that rocks as hard. FACT! Don't start talking about Metallica or Pantera or Iron Maiden or whoever either, there's no rage here, no overblown pretentious operatics, no super technical guitar wankery, just heads down, sweaty, schoolboy shorts wearing honest rock.

So, a tip, listen to the song, touch a forelock and try not to cry with sheer pride at knowing that another member of the human race, OUR RACE wrote such an amazing piece of music.

And if you're going to listen to it now (Run, don't waste another second) For those of you about to rock... I salute you.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I think I'm in love...


There are pages of beautiful pictures of her.

Want to see photos of drunk and passed out hairy men?

like this:

Click Here!

The American version of the office...

Here's a link to the US version of the office. The guy playing ricky gervais was brilliant in the anchorman, but it's weird watching this, it's like seeing your girlfriend in somebody else's car or something. Check for yourselves here:

It's like seeing your dad in a dress, but see for yourself

cheer up emo boy...

Here is a lovely little site to cheer everybody up in this time of reflection...

Cheer up emo boy

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Well, the Devil will find work for idle hands.

Mine have been pretty idle, so I've posted up a terrible, terrible comic strip that I drew when my hands were particularly idle during my travels. It's bad, but it beats habitual masturbation. the link is on the right somewhere, or, if you're really lazy, click here:

hope you don't hate it as much as George Bush or something

Sunday, March 20, 2005

The daily nice.

Look here for something nice.

(don't worry it actually is very nice)

Friday, March 18, 2005

Lovely 3d animation here:

Might take a little while to load but it's very beautiful:

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Strange website of the day:

But also kind of cool:

Nicked this off Cody's mate's site. Sorry!

I'm desperately trying to write people emails, find a job and find a site to download all my photos onto, in the meantime, this is a picture of David, Emma, me and Adam on Koh Chang that Adam sent me. Laters.

This is what digital cameras were invented for...

Check out it's stupid.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


That's it, I have nothing interesting to report, no old women falling over or anything, can't even find anything in the news to get me incensed today, I can't even find anyone I recognise on the posted on the fool's gold photos page.


I'm off to have my last Tom Yung before I leave Thailand.

Here are a couple of facts I stole from the BBc website:

  • By country of birth, there were approximately 100,000 more Germans than Bangladeshis living in England and Wales, according to the 2001 census.
  • Bill Wyman loves metal detecting and has found more than 300 coins, including a gold half-noble from 1361


Well, looks like we might have made it...

I leave Bangkok tomorrow, I'm returning to Europe and the real world. Which I guess is trying to find a job and boring ass stuff like that. When I get a chance I'm going to upload all my photos somewhere and I'm sure I'll post some vacuous or at least incredibly shallow thoughts about my trip sometime next week. At the moment it doesn't seem very real, but I have to say I'm quite looking forward to it, I even bought a huge army surplus coat thing for when I get off the plane.

Haven't really got much else to say, except I got a bit ill yesterday, umm, erm...

I'll check the news and see if there are any funny pictures of old ladies or something.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Threw some chords together...

The combination D-E-F.

Man, I think I'm going a bit mental. I was walking past this cd shop the other day and I heard them playing a Nartasha Bedingfield song. Now, I've been away for a while, so I have never heard it before and I like it...

Damn! What's happening to me? First it was busted and now this, I'm scared...

Hear "The Regime"!

I've posted up a link so you can hear A couple of tracks by The Regime, the site is in czech, but there are two links at the bottom of the page to download the songs. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

So you think you're a gangsta?

Furious B sent me this amazing NWA quiz, and he's got a mix on Samurai FM along with his dope as funk breadbin. Check him, you can't wreck him.

I'm Audi...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The regime...

eMDee's group "The Regime" (With my Bro Tuco on the decks) have just blagged themselves a free load of Mecca clothes because of some show or another that they played. I guess it must have been good. Cos they sure aint a bunch of lookers. (Just playing...)

I'm trying to get hold of a link to a couple of their songs so's we can all hear them... I'll post it up over in the links section when it happens.

Nice one!

Even more links!

There are now blimmin' loads of links to websites that are better than this one.

Send me some more, if I like 'em I'll post 'em up.

Brilliant animation site...

Check out this website, it's GREAT! The valentine's day animation is particularly funny (or sick depending on your tastes).

Thanks to eMDee for sending me this link, I'll be posting up a link so you can hear some songs that he's done.

Nice one.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Necrophilian waterfowl

Here's something from the gaurdian... Sorry I'll write something of my own soon, but I'm a bit tired and emotional at the moment... Enjoy!

Necrophilia among ducks ruffles research feathers Donald MacLeod Tuesday March 8, 2005 The strange case of the homosexual necrophiliac duck pushed out the boundaries of knowledge in a rather improbable way when it was recorded by Dutch researcher Kees Moeliker.
It may have ruffled a few feathers, but it earned him the coveted Ig Nobel prize for biology awarded for improbable research, and next week he will be recounting his findings to UK audiences on the Ig Nobel tour.

Ducks behave pretty badly, it seems. It is not so much that up to one in 10 of mallard couples are homosexual - no one would raise an eyebrow in the liberal Netherlands - but they regularly indulge in "attempted rape flights" when they pursue other ducks with a view to forcible mating. "Rape is a normal reproductive strategy in mallards," explains Mr Moeliker.

As he recounts in his seminal paper, The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard anas platyrhynchos, he was in his office in the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam, when he was alerted by a bang to the fact a bird had crashed into the glass facade of the building. "I went downstairs immediately to see if the window was damaged, and saw a drake mallard (anas platyrhynchos) lying motionless on its belly in the sand, two metres outside the facade. The unfortunate duck apparently had hit the building in full flight at a height of about three metres from the ground. Next to the obviously dead duck, another male mallard (in full adult plumage without any visible traces of moult) was present. He forcibly picked into the back, the base of the bill and mostly into the back of the head of the dead mallard for about two minutes, then mounted the corpse and started to copulate, with great force, almost continuously picking the side of the head.

"Rather startled, I watched this scene from close quarters behind the window until 19.10 hours during which time (75 minutes) I made some photographs and the mallard almost continuously copulated his dead congener. He dismounted only twice, stayed near the dead duck and picked the neck and the side of the head before mounting again. The first break (at 18.29 hours) lasted three minutes and the second break (at 18.45 hours) lasted less than a minute. At 19.12 hours, I disturbed this cruel scene. The necrophilic mallard only reluctantly left his 'mate': when I had approached him to about five metres, he did not fly away but simply walked off a few metres, weakly uttering a series of two-note 'raeb-raeb' calls (the 'conversation-call' of Lorentz 1953). I secured the dead duck and left the museum at 19.25 hours. The mallard was still present at the site, calling 'raeb-raeb' and apparently looking for his victim (who, by then, was in the freezer)."
Mr Moeliker suggests the pair were engaged in a rape flight attempt. "When one died the other one just went for it and didn't get any negative feedback - well, didn't get any feedback," he said.
His findings have provoked a lot of interest - especially in Britain for some reason - but no other recorded cases of duck necrophilia. However, Mr Moeliker was informed of an American case involving a squirrel and a dead partner, although in this case it is not known whether the necrophilia observed was homosexual or not as the victim had been run over by a truck shortly before the incident.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Zombies are now a serious terrorist threat!

Below is a pretty messed up newspaper story from the US:

Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening Says Incident A Misunderstanding

A George Rogers Clark High School junior arrested Tuesday for making terrorist threats told LEX 18 News Thursday that the "writings" that got him arrested are being taken out of context.
Winchester police say William Poole, 18, was taken into custody Tuesday morning. Investigators say they discovered materials at Poole's home that outline possible acts of violence aimed at students, teachers, and police.

Poole told LEX 18 that the whole incident is a big misunderstanding. He claims that what his grandparents found in his journal and turned into police was a short story he wrote for English class.

"My story is based on fiction," said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge. "It's a fake story. I made it up. I've been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies."

Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony. "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky," said Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill.

Poole disputes that he was threatening anyone.

"It didn't mention nobody who lives in Clark County, didn't mention (George Rogers Clark High School), didn't mention no principal or cops, nothing," said Poole. "Half the people at high school know me. They know I'm not that stupid, that crazy."

On Thursday, a judge raised Poole's bond from one to five thousand dollars after prosecutors requested it, citing the seriousness of the charge.

Poole is being held at the Clark County Detention Center.

Friday, March 04, 2005

The life aquatic...

I went snorkelling the other day around some coral stuff and noticed a couple of things:

  1. There are some weird things underwater.
  2. The ones that aren't fish generally look like either, female genitalia, male genitalia or strange sentient brain aliens, that possibly communicate using a form of telepathy, some of which had things that looked like eyes.
  3. Or they could have been mouths.
  4. Or possibly arses
  5. Or both come to think of it, I don't think such creatures are that advanced, despite resembling huge brains, that make our puny human brains look like shrivelled up rasins.
  6. Actually there were some things that looked like bits of floating snot, or possibly (and in keeping with the other things that looked like male genitals) some sort of sexual excretia.
  7. These things had a venomous sting.
  8. As did most of the stuff that looked like noodles.

I enjoyed my time under the water, especially as I didn't cut myself on the coral or the jagged rocks or stab my foot on a sea urchin. I did get sunburnt, however, even though it was an overcast day.

Damn the sun, when will it's reign of terror ever end?

And lo... It was written...

Confused by the esoteric scripts contained in the good book? Wish there was a simple way of deciphering the mystical texts? Possibly in primary coloured pieces of plastic?

look no further my children:

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rail disaster in the Congo...

Check out the news story here:

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ooh! Look at me, I've got a 'links' section!

Aren't I Mr fancy Dan?

I had to go in and edit the code to do that! I'll be hacking into NORAD next.

Bolstered by the fact that my trip is nearing the end and there's not a great deal I'm going to be writing about concerning my travels I was thinking about what to do with this lame excuse for a blog.

Of course probably the best thing to do would be to leave it for dead, but I'm a sucker for hopeless causes so I had another idea...

I want to turn this into a kind of online magazine thing for random rants and stupid articles and interesting stuff like that, I'm not even sure if that's possible, but I'm going to give it a go... I've been rooting around behind the scenes here and it seems that things could be made to look quite good and stuff.

I'm not sure about backgrounds, forums, galleries and gay stuff like that, basically because I'm technologically retarded, so maybe someone who knows more about it could tell me if I'm barking up the wrong tree and if it would be better in the long run to try and do a proper website or something?

I want to make an online version of some crappy handmade photocopied fanzine thing and I realised that I have a bunch of friends who are full to the brim of piss and vinegar, who are funny even when they aren't drunk and who are quite happy to waste time on some stupid shit that will never amount to anything. So please send me some stuff, I don't care if it's a link or a reason why you hate cucumbers or a link to a decent mix, or a picture of a dog wearing a buzz lightyear costume.

I know a few of my better ideas have fallen by the wayside (The gumball 3000 style race around Britain for example) but this one's different, it's better, mainly because I don't have to get off my arse to do anything. So please send me something, I'll publish it.

There is an option to give other people access to the editorial parts of this blog too, which I'm happy to do if anyone's interested. Of course if anyone knows about making a 'proper' website that an imbecile like me could get to grips with, please let me know too. In the meantime, send me a story, or a list, or a review or any old selection of random letters that look quite pretty, it could be fun, and let's face it, it's better than reading those '100 ways men and women are different' crappy emails at work.

Even if you just want to tell me I'm a dick and there's no point to any of this email me at:
