Thursday, March 31, 2005

What I'm doing right now.

It's ten thirty in the morning, and I'm up and sitting in the sunshine listening to an album called 'Fi' by Bibio. It's a very lovely album, basically consisting of looped samples of things like acoustic guitars that change over time. It's very nice music to be watching a mountain and pine forests to. I'm currently making a mixtape of folky electronic stuff with a dodgy version of ACID bought in Thailand. If anyone wants a copy (bearing in mind I've only just started, it could be a few weeks til it's ready) send me an email and I'll do you a copy. It's got stuff like Boom bip and Fourtet and other wafty stuff like that on it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Count me in Yo as long as it aint that drum and base shit. You know how much I like that crap. Send it to me when you get it done.


9:33 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Yeah man, will do.

Oh fuck, I got your bungee shots developed too! Let me know what you want me to do with them. My ass is not one of the options!

No drum n bass, just nice music for sitting around and doing nothing to.

6:21 PM  

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