Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Land Ho!

The day before yesterday my dad had a visit from some of the other men in the village. There was an abandoned boat by the side of the road, it had been there for years, so long that people used it as a landmark when giving directions. One of the men who lives higher up the mountain decided that finally, after all this time, he wanted the boat and he went around the village asking for help in moving it to his farm.

There were a few of them, including my father and The Milanese as well as some of the more established locals. They dragged and pushed the wooden boat up the mountain, through bushes and across scrubland. Off road, but always up the the mountain...

It's sitting near his house now, waiting to be repaired, and then, who knows?

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Obligatory ape photo... Budapest August 2004

My New British Knights. Bought in Hungary for Twenty nicker.

Hip Hop Kemp 2004

HHK 2004 Me loking a trifle 'fruity'.

HHK 2004 Northern Pete doing what he does best.

HHK 2004 This was before we even got into the festival bit. about half eleven in the morning.

HHK 2004 Wesley's magic drool, it hung there for frickin' ages.

HHK 2004 American Jon, Mark, me and Emdee

HHK 2004 The Very Dead Wasp

HHK 2004 Skinny Dave, his beer holder and Mikey

HHK 2004 T E R R O R Ist

HHK 2004 People queueing for hits from a bong Monday morning.

HHK 2004 Main stage Sunday afternoon

HHK 2004 Tooks and Alice

HHK 2004 Tuco Playing the Semtex stage

HHK 2004 Did he say he was a dj? Tuco's dayjob raking up the rubbish.

HHK 2004 Me and Klara

HHK 2004 A spot of hip hop golf. (50p for 18 holes)

HHK 2004 Docile n Emdee (with Wandan the killer beatboxer in the background)

HHK 2004 Tuco's van (kebab naturally)

HHK 2004 Tuco playing to semi naked girl Friday Afternoon

HHK 2004 Klara and friend

HHK 2004 Mark, Alberto, Mikey and Tooks

HHK2004 Tuco at the bar with the rake (son to be just a pole)

HHK 2004 Tuco Lord of the Pole

HHK 2004 Tuco (with pole), esoteric and Klara

HHK 2004

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Only to have dreams dashed...

At the hip hop festival we were surrounded by swarms of wasps. There were thousands of them and most of us were stung at least once. I don't know wether it was because of the beer, but their stings weren't so severe, and they seemed reluctanct to use them. It was the first time I had any respect for the wasp. Maybe it was because they showed signs of weakness that I had never experienced amongst their kind. They weren't necessarily the heartless stinging machines that I had once believed. They were lazy and drunk and for the most part kept themselves to themselves. It was good.

Darrick and John Massive told us about an experiment they had made on a wasp earlier in the day. They had drowned a wasp in beer until it was completely dead, then laid it in the sun in a pile of salt and apparently, after 20 minutes it was completely revived, the lazarus of the wasp world. They said they'd do it again for us , and drowned another wasp and laid it out on a bench in a pile of salt. I took a picture and then we waited...

We never went back to see if the wasp had come back from the dead. I don't know why, maybe we were too drunk or stoned or whatever, but I know we didn't give it a second thought.

Much later, like, days later we were talking about the wasp, well, someone Idly said they wondered what the wasp was up to and Darrick said that it had all been a wind up to see how long we'd sit around watching a dead wasp in a pile of salt. It's a shame 'cos I'd like to believe that things like that could happen, but I guess the joke was wasted on us as we almost immediatley forgot about it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Budapest again...

Saw a mobile phone shop here in the Jewish quarter called Aviv Tel.

Have been listening to "the books" and Nouvelle Vague a lot.

I'm sure it's all veggie vegan propaganda, but Supersize me is fantastic. Well worth a gander, it's even got me thinking about what I should be eating. The Quarter pounder with cheese yesterday was Blimmin' marvelous though... I can't deny that.

Umm... Photo of me at Hip hop kemp. Pulling the usual face. Somehow I don't feel it's quite as effective as when my face was chubbier.

Photo by the man called Docile.

Until later...

Monday, August 23, 2004

British Knights

Bought a pair of brown and orange British Knights.

Umm... Going to see Supersize me tonight, so Just had a great quarterpounder with cheese meal for lunch. I have to have balance in my life. Plus it tasted soooo good! ;)

That's all for now pop pickers.


It's been fourteen hours and fifteen days...

Haven't posted anything for a while, sorry. Been very busy and stuff, was in Czech Republic last week enjoying the company of my Bro and Emdee. Went to the hip hop Kemp and had a really wicked time, I have a few fuzzy pictures that I will post when I get back to Italy.

Dan's quick Hip Hop Kemp Cons and pros:


It rained on Saturday and I got very fucking wet.
Emdee and Mark's tent got robbed.
Killa Kela' pantomime show, including miming using a sampler... WTF?
Didn't evacuate as much as I would have liked.
basically the entire festival hating our little campsite for various reasons.
Some American Rapper having his eleven year old daughter as hype man.


Wandan and some young slovak kids doing some proper beatboxing in one of the tents.
Tuco playing an excellent lounge around in the sun set on the main stage on Friday.
His love affair with a rake.
Watching everyone getting drunk at 8 in the morning.
Hare Krishna's tent serving the nicest food at the festival.
Blade stealing the show, despite the rain on Saturday night.
The fact that despite one night of rain the rest of the weekend had gorgeous weather.
Playing crazy golf and getting 2 holes in one. (50p for a full 18 holes)
all the great music, Vadim, dark circle, Alien army etc etc.
All the kids on the platform on the way back to Prague.
And of course, my special relationship with sweet lady Becherovka...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

If you're bored reading this...

Read this instead: http://www.bash.org/?top

Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy Birthday Bro'

below is a little sequence of events from a couple of months ago. They're in the wrong order but you get the gist.

Happy Birthday dude. I'll see you on the 11th :)

Tuco in a bush

Same bush a little later. Tuco's in it.

Tuco doing what he loves the most. Same bush 6 hours later.

The internet...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Pippin looking mean...

Some really old bullshit...

I had the wirdest dream last night... Joey Deacon had become some sort of councillor or polititian or something,
He was on TV on some sort of political debate and was being interviewed about proposals to add another Terminal to Heathrow airport.
He still had yo have that same guy translating to him, but he seemed to be getting his point across.
There was a wobble on the camera, and the view slipped downto his feet, just for a few seconds. I could tell he was still having trouble with his shoes.

It's funny, but those earth shattering, life changing moments always seem to come as a shock, blindsiding us at four in the morningwhen we're bleary eyed and half hungover.
Lately it seems that I'm ready, at the back of my mind, for anything that life is gonna chuck at me. I can't remmber ever so desperatley wishing for something to happen.
Not anything in particular, just something.

By far the most common name given to budgerigars is Joey. I remember one of my friends having a budgie called Joey, but we all thought he was named after Joey Deacon, on account of his inability to speak properly.
This is something that really worries me.

I watched that film last night, she said. It was fucking awful, I can't understand what you saw in it. And with that she left. Looking back I realised that I've gone off it anyway.

"Her flatmate was a policewoman, you know? When I stayed there once they started dancing round the living room, and this police officer just took off her top and bra, and danced and danced and danced.
In the car park of the flying saucer pub I saw a man have his throat cut. People kept running toget more and more toilet paper to try and stop the bleeding.
He was losing so much blood the paper would go red really quickly and as they kept putting more on the used-up paper was trailing out to the side of him.
It reminded me of that bit with the curtains in that film Rush-hour with Jackie Chan.

Not until it was too late did I realise that no-good would come from doodling in the margins.
Sometimes, when I found myself driving around late at night for whatever reason, after going to the pub or staying at a friends house or bowling or something,
I used to imagine that I was totally alone on the road, like the rest of the world had been wiped out by a nuclear war,
or probably some kind of virus that left the roads and garages intact, but wiped out almost all of the population leaving me to cruise endlessly around the post apocalypic world.
Usually this fantasy would stop there, but sometimes I would imagine other things I would do like break into a Police station to stock up on weapons, just in case,
or I would get one of every album from HMV andspend my days listening to all the music there was, or drive to the coast and sail a boat over o France so I could drive around europe searching for other survivors.
Sometimes if the main roads were too busy I would search out lonlier bleaker ways home to add to the experience.
My daydreams usully ended when I stopped at the all-night garage to get toffee flavoured milk shake.

There's a kebab shop on Balham high street that serves the greatest kebabs in the whole of England.
My friend Jimi told me about it, so one day we made a special trip down there so I could try it for myself.
Unfortunatley that day I contracted a bad case of the squits, I tried to fight through it and ordered myself he biggest tastiest looking item on the menu.
I took one bite and had to throw the rest in the bin.
It was really nice though, definitley a contender for the greatest kebab ever, but I just couldn't eat it.
Somehow I felt as if Ihad failed the kebab.
All apologies to the staff of Al-Kebabish Balham.

Last weekend a few friends and Iwent for a walk. I dunno what we were thinking, but it seemed like the right thing to do. We stocked up on rum and skunk and made our way into the wilderness.
We walked for 26 kilometers, across the chiltern hills we didn't pass any pubs and didn't see anyone for hours.
After the walk I found out I didn'tget a single blister.


A crappy story I wrote a while ago...

I knew this boy who used to turn streetlights off by walking underneath them.
It wasn't something he could control, it just happened. You could tell he was coming from miles away by following the dark gap in the strings of lamps. One by one they would flicker off, then a few moments back on again until eventually the slow pulse would come to a halt and you would know he had reached wherever it was that he was going. He was a popular guy and people always seemed keen to walk with him. I did more than a few times, it was strange at first, travelling everywhere in the dim twilight, but away from the sodium orange glow everything seemed to become quieter and more peaceful.
His mother and father discovered his affliction at an early age and straight away went about trying to find out what was causing it and whether it could be harmful to him in some way. So during the early part of his life he was subjected to all sorts of studies and tests to find out what was wrong with him. No one could come up with an answer. These were clever people too, what we would think of as geniuses, all doctors and professors of some science or another, chemists, biologists, physicists, all at the top of their field and not one of them could explain what was happening to their son. For a while he was the talk of the scientific world always the subject of some new theory that was disproved as quickly as it was formulated, but the interest waned, and finally ground to a halt. The condition didn't seem to be harming him, so everyone agreed that it would be best just to accept it and just live life as normal.
After all the attention had died down someone came to his door. He worked for NASA, he was one of those super intelligent guys who plotted rocket escape trajectories and re-entry angles, but he had asked to be transferred to another department, one which had him travelling the world investigating mysterious happenings and seemingly unexplainable events. And after the hubbub surrounding my friend had receded he decided to see what he could make of this weird affliction. He had a theory about solar storms and magnetic fields affecting electricity networks and he thought the boy may be disrupting the lights in a similar way, somehow producing a strong enough electromagnetic pulse that would knock them out as he walked underneath. He spent a long time questioning, probing and studying, but he was as stupefied as the scientists that went before him, instead of giving up, this made him more determined to find out the answer. He became obsessed with the idea that the boy was somehow generating a solar flare from within his body and he needed to find out how
After a long time, maybe even years, he was still here in our little town. His research grants had dried up and he was no longer working for NASA, it seems they decided that a boy who turns off lights just isn't important enough for their money, and after all, they had space stations to build so they fired him. He didn't seem to care and carried on with his studies. After a while he disappeared, people said he had gone mad and was ranting in some hospital somewhere, but he hadn't.
I remember I was at a party somewhere and I spotted him. He was easy to pick out among the sweating ravers, he was wearing an old patterned tank top and some brown threadbare cords and he must have been at least twice the age of anyone else at the club, but there he was, robotic dancing.
He was concentrating hard, and sweating. His glasses were steamed up and his hair stuck in thin strands across his forehead. It looked like he had been dancing all night, moving his body in short and precise ways, perfectly in time to the boom and thud of the bass. He seemed to be calculating every pattern, measuring every angle. Every start and stop and twist and turn was just right, not a degree out of place. It was if without access to giant supercomputers and simulators he had begun to translate the equations of space flight into movements of his body. Slight inflections of his head described decaying orbits, his arms gravitational spins and free-fall velocities. As I watched him he began to change his moves, and slowly, ever so slowly he floated upwards.

I watched until he was lost in the shadows beyond the club's lights. I guess he found what he was looking for in our town, because we never saw him again after that night. I often thought about him though, I couldn't understand why he had chosen robotic dancing. That night I saw him in the club must have been some time in the mid-nineties.
He was ten years too late.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Dashboard confessional mtv unplugged.

Never heard this band before. Maybe it's something to do with how I'm feeling at the moment, but I have never heard anything like it. Acoustic emo stuff with the audience drowning out the vocals in most of the songs... Pretty heartwrenching stuff. Appeals to the 16 year old indie kid in me. I'm sure most people would think it's totally lame, but hey ho. I like it, a lot.

At night sometimes I lie in complete silence and dream that I'm a superhero. I wouldn't have a cape or a mask. I'd just wear regular clothes and nobody would know but me. I could have some sort of power, maybe I would be incredibly fast or strong, or shoot beams of light from my eyes. Perhaps I could control an army of robots, or rats, or even robotic rats. From the future, shooting beams of light from their eyes. It doesn't really matter.

Monday, August 02, 2004

hmm... I liked this picture for no real reason.

Austria 08/2004. On the bus back to Italy.

Budapest 07/2004 Communist somethings...

Budapest 07/2004 Communist thing.

Budapest 07/2004 Leila in the park on Margrit island.

Budapest 07/2004. Laszlo and Canzira

Budapest 07 2004. Szuszi and Pedro at the karaoke.

Our first class. (from left: Canzira, Edina, Pali, Jaqui, ily, Noemi, Szuszi, Peter, Erika, Leila and Laszlo)