Monday, August 23, 2004

It's been fourteen hours and fifteen days...

Haven't posted anything for a while, sorry. Been very busy and stuff, was in Czech Republic last week enjoying the company of my Bro and Emdee. Went to the hip hop Kemp and had a really wicked time, I have a few fuzzy pictures that I will post when I get back to Italy.

Dan's quick Hip Hop Kemp Cons and pros:


It rained on Saturday and I got very fucking wet.
Emdee and Mark's tent got robbed.
Killa Kela' pantomime show, including miming using a sampler... WTF?
Didn't evacuate as much as I would have liked.
basically the entire festival hating our little campsite for various reasons.
Some American Rapper having his eleven year old daughter as hype man.


Wandan and some young slovak kids doing some proper beatboxing in one of the tents.
Tuco playing an excellent lounge around in the sun set on the main stage on Friday.
His love affair with a rake.
Watching everyone getting drunk at 8 in the morning.
Hare Krishna's tent serving the nicest food at the festival.
Blade stealing the show, despite the rain on Saturday night.
The fact that despite one night of rain the rest of the weekend had gorgeous weather.
Playing crazy golf and getting 2 holes in one. (50p for a full 18 holes)
all the great music, Vadim, dark circle, Alien army etc etc.
All the kids on the platform on the way back to Prague.
And of course, my special relationship with sweet lady Becherovka...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw the Pixies at the V festival on Sunday - they rocked. If you get the chance to, do.

Also, found a road in Crystal Palace called Farquarr Road. Couldn't believe it. Stood staring at the sign and an old lady asked me if I was lost. I told her no, I think I'm home.

Unfortunately didn't have my camera at the time but I will get a picture.

Chip Farquarr

3:36 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I hope you will take me there when I am next in London, so I can place a posie of flowers there and weep in wonderment.

"no I think I'm home" ROFFLE! :)

5:04 PM  

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