Tuesday, February 15, 2005

So long Stringy Cheese.

The blog has changed name. I've decided that Monkey holding peach is a far better name for my uninteresting ramblings. The full name is 'White monkey holding peach'. I hope everyone will enjoy the new name as much as I do, if you liked the old name better, I'm sorry.

Arrived in Vang Vieng yesterday, it's a small dusty town resembling a building site. There are five hundred thousand restaurants here and they all show episodes of friends constantly all day and night. They also all sell the now obligatory 'Happy' Pizzas and milkshakes and stuff. So, most of them are full of people who probably just went in to eat, but have since been transfixed by the perky, yet non threatening comedy stylings of that famous New York Sextuplet. Add mind altering drugs to the bargain, and aint nobody leaving till they turn the TV off. Of course I haven't been tempted by the dark side here, and instead went to watch 'Love Actually' which is rapidly and very worryingly becoming a favourite of mine.

There are a few things to do here:

Go tubing down the river
Climb the Massive Carsts opposite the town.
Go caving
And Kayak around the place, including a two day journey to the capital 'Vientiane'.

I am planning on doing a few of these activities, especially the tubing and possibly some Kayaking.

We're staying at a riverside spot with a nice view of the Carsts from the restaurant and an ensuite with hot showers! It's $6 a room, but between the two of us only $3 a night each and the little comforts like that are sometimes needed.

That's all for today, Off to wander around aimlessly for the rest of the day.

It's a hard life.

BTW finished that book 'Perdido Street Station' It's ace, despite being a fantasy thing with magic and stuff, it's one of the first I've read that hasn't in some way ripped off Lord of the rings which is nice. On the look out for something else now, before people think I'm some sort of weirdy beirdy, or as Emma puts is 'yoghurt platter'.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try reading the Grapes of Wrath.
It's a corker;dust,depression,dust,and all the dust you can eat.
I've resorted to writing you crap on this website,because i'm not doing anything interesting enough to write an email!
I took jason,chris and jimi to the cleaners on saturday.seems i have a knack for the finer arts of texas hold em.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Calvin said...

definitely.. new name rocks!! "ooo-aaa-aaa-aah!!"

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I let him win because I felt sorry for him - I knew that there wasn't anything interesting enough in his life to even write an email about. You should of seen his happy face afterwards!

Dr Farquarr

10:54 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Thanks guys.

Gambling is a mug's game. Except if you have to decide wether the dice landed with a picture of a crayfish or a picture of a normal fish. That's a real game of skill.

Ate rotting fish and papaya salad the other day. And... Umm...

4:33 AM  

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