Saturday, January 29, 2005

Lesson number 113; Never trust a hippy.

Was at the "THC" Rooftop bar with Emma last night. (terrible name, but quite a nice place. Lots of DJ Shadow and Royksopp and beanbags... Not to mention nice cheap vodka tonics. Not my drink of choice, but when the price is low anything's a winner for me!)

It was full of your traditional 'traveller' types, all bearded and wearing breathable synthetic fibres, or dreadlocked and haggard looking. I think they had just got back from a trek or something, but that doesn't really matter, when we went to leave, someone had stolen my shoes! I'm not too bothered because they were cheap as anything, but now all I have are some 50p rubber flip flops, which means I have to go out and buy some shoes. Also they had climbed up mounains in vietnam and temples in Cambodia as well as boogied till dawn on Koh Phangan.

Next time you have a drink, please pour a little on the ground for my British knights, they were truly noble shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cunt¨s... just seen a dvd and aload of photo's from thailand some it looks alright but most looks like a living hell... nothing against the thais tho'

3:19 PM  

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