Tuesday, December 07, 2004

We're not scaremongering...

I remember now, and it's not important at all. Just wanted o write somewhere so I wouldn't forget. When I was in Tokyo doing all that Karaoke One of the places I went to had 'Idioteque' by Radiohead as one of the songs you could sing.

So I did.

That's it. Apologies and all that.

I may as well say that I stayed in the dirtiest, dankest place in Bangkok last night. The walls were unpainted chipboard and someone had painted 'Fuck off' in big letters across the wall. The room was slightly bigger than a single bed and it had that weird vent thing at the top of the wall like in "the beach".

I expected a bloody map to be slid under my door this morning, but when I woke up all that had happened was a big ball of pubes from the bathroom had rolled under the door. Apparently the Thai government dropped 16 million paper cranes on The Muslims in the south as a message of peace. Funnily enough a spokesperson for the muslims said. 'while we cannot reject ay message of peace, we were hoping for a more political end to the troubles.'

Christ, I'm getting all topical, time to make like a tree and get the hell out ofhere.


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