Monday, December 27, 2004

Thank you and other stuff.

Thank you to everyone who sent me emails and texts to make sure I'm alive, I'm grateful that you care! :) You're all lovely people, thank you. I really don't deserve it.

Dunno how to feel today Guilty is one thing I suppose, when the waves are killing people in Africa and Koh Phangan is completely unaffected, both physically and emotionally. Last night everyone should have been hugging the nearest person to them and thanking God or Buddha or whoever that nothing happened here, what did everyone do?

They went to the beach and got blind drunk. Life goes on I suppose, but would they be partying in Bournemouth if Brighton got washed away? I dunno.

There were three guys I was in Kanchaburi with who were very cool. They were going to Phuket for Christmas, I hope they're alright. No way of knowing. I could've just as easily gone down there with them as come here. Fate eh? It's a fucker.

Went to a cafe today and they were showing footage on a big screen of last night's full moon party. On a smaller screen just underneath it they were showing pictures of the waves in Indonesia, India and Thailand washing people away. Made me feel sick.

Sorry about this one, just trying to jot some things down before I forget them.

Peace out, Thank you.


Blogger Calvin said...

tried commenting on the newer post.. but it said bad link.. good luck and have a great time in burma.

as for the tsunami.. well, isn't it human nature that we get stories of insensitive people amidst all the heroic deeds and stories of bravery?! i'm feeling really useless sitting so far away.. i can only imagine how terrible you must be feeling there.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Thanks man. I think I'll only be getting a little taste of Burma, but I'm sure it will be very cool.

As for the Tsunami, I guess you're right. I heard a story from my mum that in some of the scandanavian countries people have been using the information about missing persons on the internet to rob people's apartments. It's triple darkness man.

But... It's also good to see such a generally apathetic group of people as 2o somethings pulling together and buying rice or water or donating money or whatever. It seems that some of us can do something when the shit hits the fan.

Take it easy man, I'll let you know about Burma on my return! :)

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have some good ideas on your blog here. Have any other ones? I'm out blogging and came upon yours. Good job. James Morgan

4:24 PM  

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