Monday, December 06, 2004


Scooters I have spotted:

  • Dream
  • Wave
  • Street
  • Best
  • Katana
  • Vision
  • Sky
  • Reflex

Yesterday I rode an elephant, went on a raft that sank (not my fault), visited the 'hellfire pass' and rode on a train along the infamous Death railway.

The day before I saw a big fireworks and lightshow at the bridge, it was really good, especially because of the two Australians who were so drunk behind me. They were just hilarious, one of them (and this is God's honest truth) Was wearing some very short cut off denim shorts, an unbuttoned blue flannel shirt (with the arms torn off) and HAD A MULLET! It was brilliant, they kept going on about how all the 'pommies' were good for in the war was whistling, how it was Australians who bombed the bridge and how if it wasn't for the Australians the Germans and Japanese would have won the war no problem. They then went on to slag off the Thais, the British and pretty much everyone else. They sat there drinking beer and smoking when everyone had to rise for the Thai national anthem and then when they played a bit of the 'last post' during the show they stood up and one of them actually started crying at how proud he was of those Anzac boys and how despite the Australians being sent first into Iraq 'not one of them fuckers said thank you.' heheh! They were just brilliant, and made a good alternative commentry to the official one, which was (unfortunatley for me) in Thai.

Today I head back into Bangkok, then I'm buggered if I know where. I need to get my passport stamped so that I can stay in Koh Panyang for a few days after New year's day, but it's either in Cambodia (close but costs $20) or in Malasia (right down the bottom and supposedly a trifle hairy, but free.). I dunno, I think probably the south is best, then move back up the country slightly and get to the island. Pah! It's worse than working, this travelling around lark.



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