Friday, December 10, 2004

The quiet life.

I'm moving from the aptly named green peace. I'm the only guest at the guesthouse and last night an entire colony of ants decided it was a smart move to try and make a home underneath my pillow. An epic battle ensued and I'm happy to say I prevailed. Not before getting bitten a few dozen times. The buggers.

I'm moving tomorrow to a place called Boom's cafe it's two pounds a night and is in a tiny little beach with hammocks and palm trees and such. It seems very nice. Only one problem... the only toilets are squat toilets. I can cope with that, the only problem is I have to get completely undressed to use them, at the moment I'm not so au fait with the subtleties of squat toilet usage.

Been burning around the island on a beauty of a honda dream. midnight blue and 125ccs it truly is a DREAM machine.

Just got caught ina little downpour and now it's cleared up so I can get back on my steel horse and pretend I'm in Akira or something...

Heesy now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your first "Quiet Life" post was funnier. you should've just left it that.

Josh has an acquaintance who only takes a shit once a week, and has to get naked to do it. Now, I dunno if this started as a "squat toilet" thing, but I just felt you should be warned.

That is all.


1:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like your loving the scooters!
We stayed next door to 'Booms Cafe" called Harmony Beach, it has a pool which is pretty cool, owned by a guy called Dave from Bracknell of all places.
Have a god Xmas & New year mate.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Keenie & Cassie... I knew that someone had been staying there. It seems really nice and everyone and his dog has been emailing me trying to get reservations there, but it's totally full. D'you know if you can walk along the beach to Had rin or is it a case of Taxi or Scooter?

Hope your travels are good?

5:33 AM  

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