Saturday, December 04, 2004


It's quite nice here, I have a shack on a raft to live on and there is a big garden with plety of hammocks. Got in yesterday and went straight to the 'tiger temple' which is exactly that. A buddhist temple where the monks take in injured and sick tigers from the wild and look after them. It was a very touristy thing, except, they gave us free drinks (an unknown anywhere surely?) and we got to touch and stroke some of the tigers. I had my picture taken with a couple of the tigers and it was absolutley fantastic. The crazy thing about them is that despite their size they are most definitley cats (obvious I know, but they act exactly the same as housecats very weird, considering their size). The Cubs were very VERY cute and the adults were just unbelievable, I never thought I'd have my picture taken with a tiger lying on it's back with it's paw in my hand... Crazy! They definitley weren't sedated either cos they were in quite a boistrous mood for a little while and everyone had to run away for a few minutes. But it was a fantastic thing, definitley another highpoint! I'm just sad that I can't take them home with me, that'll show all the dog lovers out there! :) There was a moment where all these little cute ponies came round the corner and this girl went to pet one and the Abbot of the monastery told her off saying that they were very dangerous 'jungle horses' and no-one should touch them. I laughed until I saw he was being completley serious, all the while having an unleashed fully grown tiger lying at his feet playing with the hem of his robes!

There's a big festival on here to commemorate the anniversary of the destruction of the bridge over the river Kwai and they have a big sound and light show to simulate WWII I'm going to go tonight cos my guesthouse is just over a mile a way and you could hear absolutley everything that was happening and it sounded pretty crazy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pippin and Isisay bring a tiger back for bodygard them against the big dogs the italians like to boast about.
Pippin reads all your adventures and is most happy for you.Gatti misses you.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I got caught trying to smuggle one of the cubs out for them. I will keep trying though...

5:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pippin could have a tiger, no sweat.


1:52 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

He's a mean cat...

9:01 AM  

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