Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I think I realised why...

...Those Canadians left. When they were moaning about the fact that all the bars here show big screen hollywood blockbusters all night I replied 'but it blocks out THE VOICES for a little while dunnit?' Maybe I scared them?

Moved to another place. Much livelier, hut on a beach where the sand looks like vanilla ice cream, loads of mangrove trees and palms and best of all... European toilets! It's a bit more expensive, but surely it's worth it? The chance to sit on a throne of my own in my own good time and with no reason to shed clothing?

I think so.


Blogger Calvin said...

i totally agree!! "sitting-on-the-throne" time is the best time of the day y'know, cos it's your time to gather your thoughts, plan your day, be with yourself and.. wait a minute, cut that sissy garbage!! you wanna be sitting comfortably when you take big, heavy dump. period. :-))

6:44 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...


It's true. What happened this morning would have cracked the porcelein if dropped from a height into a squat loo.

9:39 AM  

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