Thursday, December 09, 2004

Do it hard and do it fast.

Just finished a mammoth 36 hour mission from Bangkok to Had yai, then to Surat hani then to ko Phangan. Didn't sleep much but had to get my passport stamped. It was cool I visited malaysia, for a total of the 30 seconds it takes to walk from entries to departures, but I was there, lovely country, can't fault it. :)

In Ko Phangan in a place called greenpeace. It's very quiet.. perhaps too quiet. I'll stay a few days then see what else there is around.

Got drunk on the nightboat with a chilean and a guy who runs technical and deep diving courses in Ko Tao. It was fun, and I didn't chuck despite 2 meter high waves. I think the whisky balanced it out.

Here until Christmas, so I hope to get brown and toasty.



Blogger Calvin said...

*sigh* enjoy your warm christmas!

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get yourself underwater you lilly livered land lubber

8:41 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

The heat is good, very good.

And I may get underwater, but 'not yet, not yet...'
Gonna go see the instructor guy after New Year's and do one of those 'introdustion to diving' courses.

4:25 AM  

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