Sunday, November 14, 2004

Slack Jaw, not much to say.

Hoi An is a very small town with a great many tailors. I vowed I wouldn't get anything made (I have only ever owned one suit and worn it once too) but of course the pull of more than 200 tailor shops in a beautiful riverside French colonial town was too much for my consumerist self and I ended up having 2 hoodies made (one fleece and one wool) which I'm sure will come in very useful in my tour of tropical countries. It's okay though. I can justify it because I'm going mountain trekking in a week or so and it's gonna be cold.

I met up with a load of drunken fools the day before yesterday (I mean that in a nice way, of course) and we ended up at the inevitable Karaoke bar which in this case was a tiny room behind an internet cafe. It seems that once I've had a couple of drinks the morten Harkett in me comes out and ONCE AGAIN I was treating a room full of near strangers to my unique version of 'take on me'. And followed it up with a healthy dollop of buggles. I feel I may be developing some kind of problem.

All this travelling has kind of creativley and spiritually killed me and I it just seems like one massive long brits abroad drunken orgy (despite a lot of the time I'm the only brit). I wasn't expecting to experience some sort of epiphany but I thought my lifestyle may change a little bit by being away, but it doesn't seem to be so. I'm hoping that the mountain air will get me back on track, I've never really liked the beach that much and cities are just too much of a headfuck to think about anything important. It's all you can do just trying not to be run over by all the scooters.

Not to mention the fact that you feel obliged to tell everyone about your fucking travels wherever you go, it's a good easy icebreaker, but there's only so many more times I can hear about someone's gap year in fucking Australia or how the beaches in Bali are better than Fiji or whatnot. And by the same token I'm sure my 'traveller's tales' are about as interesting as hearing a few names read out of the back of a road atlas. perhaps that's why the people I meet resort to the booze so frequently? Getting drunk is a good way of sidestepping all that polite getting to know you rubbish and getting onto the good stuff. I dunno, Maybe it's not a good idea to drink like you're on holiday when your holiday lasts six months. I'm giving the sauce a rest for a while, see what happens.

I'm not complaining mind, I'm seeing some cool stuff, getting ripped off in more and more novel ways and believe it or not, meeting a few locals on the way. It's a laugh, even if it doesn't mean anything and it's certainly better than working for a living. Speaking of which, I've been considering my future a lot and thinking about what I'm going to do next and I guess that was really the point of leaving, One life finished and another one is going to begin at some point soon, and this is a chance for me to really think about how I'm going to do it and try to plan, rather than just letting things happen as I have done in the past.

Ah... Fuck it, sorry to you if you read this, just needed to get something out I suppose.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will cheer you up...

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glamour model photographer, I think that's the direction my career needs to go. Join me.

Chip Harflarr (BA Hons)

10:00 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Thanks Ben, that certainly did the trick. Some stiggy Cambodian kid nicked my gloomy bear keyring... I feel violated! With their dirty grabbing hands...

Farquaarr, that's an excellent career choice. I was thinking maybe more along the lines of pimping but glamour photography has that respectable edge so lacking in the adult industry!

10:06 AM  

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