Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Me love you long time...

I wonder how many downright offensive things I can say while I'm here in the 'nam? It's brilliant though I'm loving it. Nam is a good advert for a communist country I reckon, well, Saigon at least, it's a brilliant bustling city.

Went to the war remnants museum yesterday, until recently it was called the 'museum of American war crimes' but I suppose that didn't go down too well with the tourists. It was really thought provoking, especially when you could see Children deformed from when their parents came into contact with agent orange and US soldiers beheading people and laughing... Dark. There was a lot of letters from GI's apologising for what they had done to the country, it was more than a trifle poignant.

Tomorrow i'm going to a temple where everyone worships a giant eyeball and dresses in psychedelic robes, some weird religion called caodism or something. Then off to the CU CHI tunnel system to pretend to be a tunnel rat for a while.

Despite the sobering effect of the war museum I am going to a bar called Apocalypse Now tonight, I think it's a bit like the 'heart of darkness' in Phnom Phen, so that means more prostitutes than punters (who are of a certain type) but the only other choice in the area is the wild west saloon theme bar and two nights at the guns n roses bar is enough for anyone, I thought they played a lot of GNR at Batalion but...

Anyways, anyone want a zippo carved with the lords prayer and burnt by 'napalm'? Used by genuine grunts?

Oh yeah, thank you in Vietnamese sounds like you're a hooligan shouting 'Come on!' Just in case anyone was wondering...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jealous as fuck...

1:52 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Don't be, I have a horrible cold, no jacket or jumper and I'm in the mountain town of Dalat. All the locals wear ski jackets... No one told me the 'nam was like this...

11:38 AM  

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