Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I'm now in Hanoi, it's a nice city, very proper. I know I'm in some sort of civilisation because the sunglasses are real and the bars are expensive.

Met this Swede as I was walking aound in a daze this morning after an all night bus ride and we hung out together for a few hours, during which time I found out he's been away for 6 months and hasn't met any girls or anything. He told me that he didn't really care anymore and thathe now felt like a eunuch. This, (coupled with an overheard conversation on the bus where and American girl was complaining that whilst away there's so much input that it's difficult to be creative. You're just so busy taking things in, there's no chance to produce anything.) got me thinking that basically I'm in a state of creative eunichism (I'm sure that's not a word and it just proves my point!). And I'm not even going to get started on the spiritual side of things. I dunno, it just seems weird, all this getting without giving, I think I'm probably thinking too much about it, but I kinda miss having a base, a job and some sort of security on which I can build a life. I'm not about to come rushing home, but it's just a weird feeling. Maybe it's my age, but I'm sure it's not so weird for the schoolleavers and gap year kids. God, I'm always fucking complaining.

Ahh... Crisese... who'd have 'em?

Still, at least I'm getting to wear my jumper. it's nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a bum. As defined by Vincent Vega when informing Jules what those without a job, fixed address, or purpose are.


11:01 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I feel like a bum.

Hanging around Hanoi because some people that are not that cool are coming so I can have a drink with them. God. I used to be a bit picky about who I drank with...

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take that as a compliment.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

That's how it was intended.

6:28 AM  

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