Friday, November 19, 2004

Hanoi Hanoi, saveloy.

It's my last day in Hanoi as I'm taking the night train (all aboard Woot Woot!) to Sapa tonight. It seems there's always a leaving party for someone so last night we went to Hanoi's premier superclub, or dare I say "uberclub"? No I daren't. There was about 25 peoploe in a place the size of fabric in London and the music was a strange mix of Barbara streisand and happy hardcore. The swedish guys liked it at least.

Got woken up at 7 in the morning by some furious hammering and a weird sound like diarroea coming from inside the walls of my room. It sounded like the ghost of some poor backpacker with a case of the trots. The owners of the guesthouse keep three cats tied to a post outside my room too and they started wailing for some reason or another, they're very cute though so I'll forgive them.

I came to realise in my hungover state that without exception, EVERY SINGLE place in SE Asia I've stayed so far has had some kind of building work going on that starts ridiculously early. I guess I have been staying in developing countries...

Bought a ticket for Bangkok on the1st of December so I think I'll be spending Christmas on one of the islands. It's a hard life.

Feeling much better now that I have things booked and a purpose for the next few weeks, no matter how vague. I'm also looking forward to a week or so in the mountains drinking hot chocolate in front of a roaring fire. Very festive.

Umm... Ate lunch in a lovely french Deli yesterday and had a little nap afterwards, had this strange dream that Alex from tokyo was jumping on my stomach with big boots on and woke up to terrible stomach cramps, luckily there was no nocturnal (Diurnal I suppose as it was during the day) accidents.

And on that Bombshell I shall bid you good day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a very nasty dream indeed...

I had a dream the other night that I went to HMV and found the entire Iron Maiden collection reissued on vinyl. Which was upsetting as I'd spent so much buying them all 2nd hand.



2:42 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

My God what a waste that would be! I know they did reissue them in the UK a while back, but surely it's better to have the originals?

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

true, true. Was more concerned though with why I was dreaming about it!!

Fury eye

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... cycle garden lightly fish future whom map textbook headmaster defeat hermes handbag back kick madame overtake Bag Louis Vuitton online painter theatre mourn control frequent

4:24 AM  

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