Monday, October 25, 2004

Still in the 'bodia.

I'm spending a few days in Sianoukville a dodgy seaside resort that resembles a spaghetti western town. It seems that nothing is illegal here, which, while liberating is also slightly disconcerting. The beach is full of kids trying to sell fruit and weed, I reckon if nothing else they'll make fantastic salespeople in a few years... Most of them speak three languages and haven't even been to school.

Pretty much all the beachfront bars will 'happy' up you food for you, for 1 dollar which, although tempting, I think my food will be happy enough without a fistful ofdirty brown weed thrown on top of it. Much more sensible to stick tothe not so happy Lao beer and a few mojitos of an evening.

Changed guesthouses today cos I counted 23 cockroaches in the last room. It all looked okay till I closed the door and there they all were sitting on the back of it. I wouldn't mind but they're so sneaky, not moving til they think you're not looking. I closed the door and opened it again and they were all gone! Where??!

Staying above a bar owned by a Man from Basingstoke, they have cheap milkshakes and a huge dvd collection and the rooms are only $3 a night, so it seems like a cool place to wait until I can use my Vietnam Visa on November 1st.

I probably should have some deep and insightful things to say about Cambodia, but they'll have to wait until another time.

Live long and prosper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

still no snaps dude.... post up a few man.


1:16 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Sorry man, Can't do any photos till I get back to Europe or at least somewhere I can plug my camera in... Don't worry though, they're all shite.


7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

surely nothing can 'happy' you up more than a cocoichi curry?

5:35 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Cockaroachey curry is the happiest place on earth TM

man, just imagine that curry with a handful of weed in it... Scary!

10:22 AM  

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