Sunday, October 10, 2004

Simple things...

The last few days I have been enjoying:

  • lovely weather.
  • the sea lapping at my toes.
  • Having a bungalow from which the view is only sea. Unless I crane my head round really far.
  • The fact that it's less than 3 quid a night.
  • lying in the sea yesterday while a cafe blared out the pixies' album doolittle from beginning to end.
  • Banana shakes.
  • Watermelon shakes.
  • Lime shakes.
  • Thai whisky in a bucket with a can of coke and a can of red bull.
  • The fact that I'm going brown.

I have not been enjoying:

  • Sunburn
  • Hangovers
  • Giant red wasp things that hang around with menace
  • Mosquitos... thousands of 'em

There are cute cats and dogs that live in the bars and lots of smiling people everywhere. This is where the Thais go on holiday so theprices aren't that bad and theplace is quite quiet. No go go clubsor anything.

On Tuesday I leave and go back to Bangkok... Which I'm not happy about. And get a bus to Cambodia for a week or so to see Angor Wat.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only get tans... you lucky bastard... although its 28 in Italy at the moment... back to freezing prague soon although looking foread to it got wicked Northface coat for 140 euros... Those wasp thing sound a bit hit whats up with them?

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get Banana Shakes in Asia??? What the heck??? Have you gotten a sensual Thai massage yet??? Meow!!!
-Secret AssMirer

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember, check for an adam's apple...

6:44 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Okay... The wasp things are bad, but not as bad as the frickin red ants and mosquitos. Still too scared to try my Larium cos I don't want to get all psychotic on anyone.

No thai massage yet, but this swiss girl that was in the same bungalows as us tried it and said it was the most painful thing she'd ever tried and would never do it again. And she's a physiotherapist.

The tan thing has already started peeling worse luck.

As far as I can tell the ladyboys are really REALLY obvious, we had one at our restaurant bar thing who took a liking to us... But no, nothing happened.

Umm... In Bangkok and it's horrible, probably will have to stay a few days to get a visa for vietnam.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

And the banana shakes are nice there. Just bananas and crushed ice. Better than Crusha.

9:08 PM  

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