Saturday, October 16, 2004

Man, we in cambodia now... Sheeeit!

Crossing the border into Cambodia was like entering Barter town from Mad max or maybe even Mos eisley. People with no legs riding around on bikes you pedal and steer with your hands. Wierd motorcycle contraptions with seasts on the side. Beggars naked kids, naked kid beggars... It was kinda dark.

The 'official' money changer was an inscrutable sweating middle aged asian guy sitting in a darkened room behind a glass case full of various notes of different currencies and denominations. He had slicked hair and a pencil moustache, and - I swear - An eye patch.

They tried to scam us on the bus, and the road was so bad to Siem Reap thet a 145km bus journey took 7hours! I guess we aint in Kansas any more toto!

But... Staying in a cool guest house with it's own croc farm and I have my own driver at $6 a day to take me around the temples, so life is still good!


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