Monday, September 06, 2004

Goodbye cruel world.

Waiting for my flight inHeathrow airport. Bought Curious incident of the dog in the night time and have Dave eggers' book that Chad Farquarr lent me. All is good. Not sure how and when this site will be updated due to the fact that the japanese all have computers embedded in their brains, so apparently internet cafes are hard to come by.

Until we speak again, take it easy.

And remember women's pants would be considered exactly the same as men's on a universal scale.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious Incident is superb, you'll love it.

Dave Eggars, whilst admittedly having suffered quite a traumatic adolescence and early adulthood, really should stop f@cking whinging about it. "Oooh, I'm so insecure, ooh, I'm so f@cked-up, ooh the world's such a cold and unforgiving place..." - BITE ME.

btw, forgot to say - Andy had a request. He asked that, when you are in Japan, you get him (or take a photo of) the "bizarrest" thing you see in Tokyo. Quite a challenge, hope you're equal to the task.

Enjoy your travels, brother...


1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a great time man....

Stay in touch...

one love


1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is me, Tokyo is fucking fucked up, seriously. Only been here a few hours and seen a full size fluffy dinosaur suit for for a tenner...

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And get one for me while you're about it.


1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go to the internet cafe upstairs in HMV I saw someone wanking in there once.. send me same Bape Sta jumper...

Peace... I thought zou were still in Italz ive been txting ur phone

Im off for a meeting with Street magazine they put my c.d on the cover of the october issue... finers crossed!!!

4:37 PM  

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