Thursday, June 24, 2004

The grass was green

But it's turning yellow in the heat. It's amazing that only a couple of days ago everything was waterlogged, the sky was grey and I had to wear a sweater when I went outside. To celebrate the warm weather I have been laying around watching the insects mating. To be honest I feel like a bit of a voyuer, but if they're gonna do that shit right where I'm lying I guess they're happy with it. ;)

Came to the conclusion that when things are this dusty the best music for driving around to has got to be the first Queens of the stoneage album... Only surpassed in fucked up dusty drugginess by the New Kingdom album 'Paradise don't come cheap' - which my brother has at the moment.

Got hold of an album called 'the forcefield kids' by a guy called passage. It's pretty excellent, kind of indie rock meets indie hip hop whilst watching a fucked up snowy copy of the breakfast club. It's all broken synths and 80's drum machines with a nostalgic nod to the 80's, well to my 80's anyways, it kinda feels like the goonies if they lived in constant fear of impending nuclear war or something. I suppose it ploughs the same furrows as cloudead, hmymie's basement and Boards of canada, but in a pirate videocopy sort of way... I dunno, I like it!

When I was a little kid back in the early eighties I used to be pretty scared of some sort of Nuclear Armageddon, scared enough to mention it to my teachers at primary school. I used to lie awake at night trying to figure out a way of saving my family should the sirens begin wailing. I think it was my biggest fear and I used to lie awake a lot. The best idea I could come up with was to get everyone down to the shed at the bottom of the garden, then underneath the wheelbarrow. I realise with hindsight that the wheelbarrow probably wouldn't have afforded that much protection as it wasn't even a metal one, but one of those plastic ones with the big globe-wheel on the bottom. I suppose a metal one wouldn't have been much more use because we lived about a mile away from Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment and Greenham Common Airbase, so if there had been a nuclear war we would have been instantly evaporated along with the green plastic barrow.
Still, I was young, like five or six and the idea did comfort me enough to allow me to sleep, so I guess I wasn't being THAT stupid?


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